In winter, all people organizedly wait for the arrival of spring, and in spring - the departure of winter. Good spring morning to everyone who is on the other side of the screen!
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In the spring, it is necessary to replenish the balance of vitamins. No matter how well you eat, a month of additional dietary supplements or something like that will not hurt.
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No matter how warm the spring morning is, especially the morning of early spring, do not try to quickly change your wardrobe for lighter things, it is better to walk a little more in the winter than to go to the doctors later.
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We all feel the arrival of spring from the morning birdsong. But our ancestors did not trust the rooks and titmouse, they were guided by the cuckoo. As soon as the cuckoo cuckoos for the first time after winter, then warming comes, and with it spring. Yes, but we now have a cuckoo and if we don't want to hear it, the car alarm will scream faster. Well, except that only those whose houses or summer cottages are near the forest are lucky.
The first spring days combine all year round: winter at night, spring in the morning, a little bit of summer in the afternoon, and autumn dampness in the evening.
An anecdote about a warm spring: "During the winter I slipped three times: twice in March and once in April!".
It turns out that many birds do not sing from birth. As soon as they are born, they imitate their parents, but they can only sing for real when the next spring comes.